Chester Arthur assumed the Presidency after James Garfield was assassinated in 1881. Though he was assumed to be a party stooge, his term saw the attempted reformation of the political favor system. Birthplace: Fairfield. Calvin Coolidge became president after the death of Warren G. Harding, and his first task was to clean up the problems Harding had left behind. His term was based on a pro-business fiscally strong stance, though the Depression occurred the year after he left office. Birthplace: Plymouth. George Dewey was a famous naval captain who destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Birthplace: Montpelier. Stephen Douglas was one-half of the noted Lincoln-Douglas Debates. He believed that states should decide for themselves whether they wanted to establish or abolish slavery, and his sponsorship of what was called the Kansas-Nebraska Act led to the fiery debates. Birthplace: Brandon.